Mesothelioma and Navy Veterans Claim & VA Filing Tips

Among all military branches, the one with the greatest risk of asbestos exposure was the U.S. Mesothelioma and Navy Veterans. This exposure is the only known cause of Mesothelioma, an aggressive form of cancer. Navy veterans who develop mesothelioma may be able to access treatment and benefits through the VA, and they may also be entitled to compensation through legal claims.

Military veterans make up the largest group of Mesothelioma patients in the United States — and many of these veterans served in the U.S. Navy.

For decades, asbestos could be found on nearly all U.S. Naval vessels. Asbestos fibers can get stuck in the lining of the lungs or abdomen when inhaled or swallowed. This can lead to mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, or other asbestos-related illnesses later in life.

Types of military ships that used asbestos included:

  • Aircraft carriers
  • Amphibious warships
  • Auxiliary ships
  • Battleships
  • Cruisers
  • Coast Guard cutters
  • Destroyers
  • Destroyer escorts
  • Escort carriers
  • Frigates
  • Merchant marine ships
  • Minesweepers
  • Patrol boats
  • Submarines

If you were exposed to asbestos in the navy and developed mesothelioma later in life, you can pursue financial and medical benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Get help filing for VA benefits from our team — some of whom are even fellow veterans — and learn about other forms of compensation right now.

Benefits and Financial Compensation Options for Navy Veterans with Mesothelioma

Some VA benefits, including disability compensation and pensions, can assist in covering lost wages and caregiver expenses. To get VA financial benefits, Navy veterans must:

  • Have been honorably discharged
  • Provide a detailed report of their U.S. Navy asbestos exposure
  • Show that over 50% of their exposure occurred while serving in the U.S. Navy

The VA often awards a 100% disability rating to Mesothelioma Navy Veterans. As of December 2022, this means married veterans can earn about $3,823.89 every month from disability compensation alone. You could qualify for this amount or less, which will depend on your case specifically. Get help applying for Mesothelioma VA Benefits now.

Where Asbestos Was Found on Navy Ships

Asbestos could be found aboard Navy vessels in:

  • Berthing
  • Boiler rooms
  • Bulkheads
  • Deck Flooring
  • Engine rooms
  • Gaskets
  • Insulation
  • Pipe lagging
  • Pumps
  • Seals
  • Valves

When disturbed, asbestos fibers can become airborne for hours. Navy personnel working on insulation, piping, or other parts of the ship often unknowingly released asbestos into the air while performing their normal duties.

Mesothelioma and Navy Asbestos Exposure in Shipyards

U.S. Navy shipyard workers also have an increased risk of developing Mesothelioma from prolonged asbestos exposure.

“The large group most threatened is the 4.5 million people who worked in World War II shipyards, where asbestos dust was so pervasive that one often could not see across a room” Janet Battaile, New York Times.

Shipyard workers often had to remove used or damaged asbestos materials and install new ones, releasing thousands of fibers into the air. Anyone working in or even walking through a shipyard was at risk of inhaling asbestos. This is just one reason why the U.S. Navy and mesothelioma are linked.

The U.S. Navy didn’t start equipping service members with breathing protection until the late 1970s. Therefore, anyone who worked in shipbuilding before this time would likely have had significant asbestos exposure.

U.S. Navy Rates With High Asbestos Exposure Risk

Many U.S. Navy rates (jobs) put service members at risk of asbestos exposure. Some rates, including boiler technicians and machinists’ mates, required that veterans work with asbestos daily.

U.S. Navy veterans who typically develop mesothelioma often served between the 1930s and the early 1980s and likely fought in World War II, Korea, and/or Vietnam.

Tips on Filing a Mesothelioma Navy Veterans Claim

Starting the legal or VA claims process can be a little stressful, but the Mesothelioma Veterans Center can assist you through it.

A VA-accredited service representative can quickly assist you in filing a Navy mesothelioma claim. They can also discuss your asbestos exposure history and what other benefits may be available to you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mesothelioma in Navy Veterans

What can I do if I was exposed to Asbestos while serving in the Navy?

If you happen to be exposed to asbestos while you are served, you better watch out for your health. Consult a doctor if you develop possible symptoms of mesothelioma, such as shortness of breath, a dry cough, or chest pain. Cases of mesothelioma are more treatable if they’re diagnosed before the cancer spreads.

If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, consider the benefits that are available to you. You can possibly qualify for VA benefits and legal compensation.

Do Navy Ships still use Asbestos?

Actually, some Navy ships still make use of Asbestos-based products, which include the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, the USS Mount Whitney, the USS Nimitz, and the rest. Asbestos on these Navy Ships will be contained & not dangerous.

How can I apply for Mesothelioma Navy VA Benefits?

You can also apply for Navy mesothelioma benefits by working with the team. They have representatives who can assist you gather the information needed to pursue VA benefits for Mesothelioma.

We can also connect you to legal help if you want to pursue other benefits and financial payouts. Call (855) 976-5304 to learn more about accessing VA benefits, including other options.

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